The Mountain Park Home Owners Association recognizes the recent social and political unrest within the community, the State of Oregon, and across the country. The HOA kindly requests that the Code of Civility be reviewed by all Mountain Park residents as it speaks to the promotion and expectation of comprehensive inclusivity despite age, gender, race, or religion.

Mountain Park HOA Code of Civility

Mountain Park was founded on the principles of creating a vibrant, diverse social and natural environment that would thrive and serve generations.  We honor those values by affirming the expectations core to the heart of our community.

We aspire to be:

  • A safe, secure, sustainable community free from adverse living or working conditions
  • An environment in which all residents, guests, members and staff are mutually respected, regardless of age, gender, race or religion
  • A community built on responsible and healthy attitudes, actions and interactions
  • A community that models individual accountability in which every person is responsible for their own behavior, words and actions

The Vision for Mountain Park

Mountain Park will be recognized as a progressive and vibrant Homeowners Association with a diverse population of members, residents and staff working cooperatively in a healthy and sustainable community to provide a high quality of life.