Spring Weekday Lil’ Swimmers
The aquatics department is excited to announce the launch of two highly requested classes! First, we will be expanding our infant swim lessons, Lil’ Swimmers, to include weekday class options. Classes will be held at 3:00 PM with a Tuesday and a Thursday enrollment option. These classes are available for registration now. Space is limited so sign up before they’re full! If you have questions about our infant program, you can call the Aquatics department or email us at [email protected].

Summer Swim Team Prep Class
For our Summer swim session, we will be offering a more advanced swim class specifically designed for children who are looking to prepare to join a swim team. This class will focus on refining their front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. This class is intended for children who are 8 and over, serious about swimming, and want to work on developing these competitive skills. Registration information and course pre-requisites will be available in our Summer class catalogue. If you are interested in enrolling your child for this class or have questions about the class, you can send an email to [email protected] or talk to your child’s instructor.