Mountain Park Home Owners Association

All owners of property within Mountain Park are members of the Mountain Park Homeowners Association. The association is regulated by section 94 of the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 94), also known as the Oregon Planned Community Act. It is further organized as a non-profit corporation under ORS 65.

In addition to state law, the association is controlled by its own Codes, Covenants, & Restrictions (CC&Rs). These consist of the Declaration of Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws. They are essentially the ‘constitution’ of the association.

The association is governed by a seven member Board of Directors. Board responsibilities include establishing policies consistent with the CC&Rs, setting the budget for the association, and establishing committees. An Executive Director hired by the board is responsible for the implementation of the day to day operations of the Association.

Members of the association have certain rights, such as the right to use common property, vote in association elections, attend board meetings, and inspect certain records of the association.

Members also have certain obligations. They must pay assessments and comply with restrictions set forth in the CC&Rs and policies established by the board. The association has the right to enforce its regulations by imposing fines on members, suspending their access to certain amenities, and filing liens on property for nonpayment of assessments or fines.

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Homeowner Portal

Mountain Park Home Owners Association
2 Mt. Jefferson Terrace
Lake Oswego Oregon 97035

Main: 503-635-3561
Clubhouse: 503-635-3561
Playschool: 503-636-8962
Landscape: 503-635-3561
Fax: 503-635-0971