MPHOA Annual Meeting
The Mountain Park Annual Meeting will be held on March 31, 2020 in the Clubhouse Hawthorn Room at 7:00pm. The Notice of Election letter and Annual Election Ballot will be sent via e-mail or mail to all homeowners by March 1.
Board Meeting & Work Session
This work session will be a Zoom Webinar. Please register in advance for this webinar HERE
Red Cross Blood Drive
The Mountain Park Clubhouse will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on April 15 from 2:00pm-7:00pm. To sign up for a time slot to donate blood, please contact [email protected] or visit
Common Property Committee Meeting
This meeting will take place on Zoom. Register for the meeting in advance HERE.
Regular Board Meeting
Please register in advance for this webinar HERE
MPHOA Annual Meeting Webinar
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the Mountain Park Home Owners Association has been rescheduled for the following date, time, and location: DATE: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 TIME: 7:00pm LOCATION: Online – You are invited to a Zoom webinar. Please register in advance for this webinar HERE After registering, you will receive […]
Architectural Committee Meeting – CANCELLED
The April 14, 2020 meeting will be a webinar. Please contact [email protected] to attend.
Common Property Committee Meeting
This meeting will take place on Zoom. Register for the meeting in advance HERE.